
Showing posts from July, 2018

545 Days Into My journey As A Yoga Teacher

In continuation with my previous blog. . After much research , I decided to take up a 200 hour Teacher Training Certificate course from Rishikesh Yog Peeth at Rishikesh, India. If you had asked me 5 years earlier did I see myself as a Yoga teacher I would have said you were crazy… but the interesting thing is the more I understood Yoga the greater the transformation in me… Now I can’t imagine a day without my Yoga practice as it has become part of my very being. So much so that my transition to Yoga teacher became complete… now I wish to share those experiences with others beginning their Yoga journey.. At this point in time I was not a great yogi myself (and still aren’t), nor can i get into all the difficult pretzel shaped contorted  poses. That’s one of the great lessons in Yoga… there are no comparisons, no one is ‘better’ than someone else… there is no measuring, badges or stickers… we all progress in the way that works for us and feels right. I have kept my