Different Styles of Yoga: A Beginner's Guide
You are thinking of joining a Yoga class or having finally decided to try one, you Google it only to find that you are totally confused with the search result. Which one to go for? Hatha? Or Ashtanga? What is Hot yoga? Vinyasa?? Naked Yoga ? Beer Yoga ??. Yes all these types do exist. When you are spoilt for choice it is difficult to decide. Just this confusion can scare off a newbie and put them off the mat forever. I am going to outline a few types of Yoga which might clear your confusion and help you decide. “Though not all classes are designed for all bodies, all bodies are absolutely designed for Yoga”. Hatha Yoga A branch of Yoga that uses physical exercises ( Asanas) along with pranayama ( breathing techniques) and meditation to connect the mind body and breath. This in turn helps you to connect with yourself for self transformation and growth. Ha-Meaning Sun/masculine aspects- active and hot. Tha-Meaning Moon/ feminine aspect- receptive and cool. Thus, H