"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall"- Nelson Mandela 

This loving and graceful energy entered my life when I was stuck in a situation and felt life was going in circles. I was also experiencing roadblocks in my career growth as a yoga teacher. A business colleague recommended my Reiki master Sneha Ramji to me.

This was the 2nd time Reiki was knocking at my door and this time I decided to give it a serious chance. My scepticism was slowly melting as I was already into a regular yoga practice and my yoga teacher training course had opened my eyes to a whole new way of being. Read about my Blogs on my Yoga Journey here.

Just after a few sessions, I started becoming more self-aware and observant of my thought processes and behavioural patterns. I stopped shifting the blame externally and started taking responsibility for my life for what it was. I experienced this energy as a very loving and gentle source subtly helping me to shift and change for my betterment. This initiated me to take up Reiki-1 training and my journey of self-discovery and personal growth had begun. This loving, gentle energy helped me peel off layers of self-doubt, self-judgment, lack of self-love and respect, and a lack of self-esteem. I soon started realizing that this was an inward journey. The energy helped me become more present in the moment and cultivate acceptance, forgiveness, patience, and compassion (1st towards myself).

Over time, with regular self-healing practice, I experienced huge shifts in life situations and was able to break some stubborn thoughts and behavioural patterns and I was ready for my 2nd level of training.

After my Reiki level 2 attunement and during my regular self-healing practice, I could feel the flow of energy and shift in the frequencies before and after my healing. I was becoming more perceptive to the change in energies within and around me. We also relocated within 2 months of attunement and it was as if a higher force was taking a reality check and anything not serving my life could no longer be tolerated and was burnt like dry twigs set on fire. These included my troublesome behaviours that were coming in the way of my growth, interests, and relationship were shuffling or unwinding from my life rapidly.

Around this time, I felt drawn to share the healing energy with people as people started opening up more on their issues. People started approaching me through referrals from yoga students or were divinely guided to find me. As my intuition heightened, I felt as if a switch was turned on. I was guided to ask the questions or share an exact message that my clients needed to hear for that simple shift in their lives. I noticed I had started becoming more sensitive to other people's thoughts, feelings and emotions and could also feel others people's physical issues on me. Without having to do any advertisement my clientele started growing and along with that my healing sessions started evolving and they became more intuitive, as I began trusting the messages I was given.

I am now a Usui and Karuna Reiki Grand Master and trained in Holy fire Reiki level 1 and 2 and a master teacher.  Along this healing path, I also attracted many different healing modalities, teachers, guides, mentors, and friends who helped me shift my mindset, heal long-standing health issues and help me understand myself better

As I continued on the path of healing myself and others, the quality of my life changed for the better exponentially. By way of yoga, Reiki healing, and hypnotherapy I have found a way to contribute back to life. I find it fulfilling that I can help others to help themselves.

Once we understand that everything is energy and realise that we have the power to harness it and control its influence on us, we are no longer the victims of circumstances. Rather we have the power to work in co-creation with the universe, it is then that the universe opens its doors to all the magic that is available to us.


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