
Showing posts from September, 2018


Working 5 days a week in the same place at the same desk for the corporate sector can be stressful. With meetings here and there, calls to handle every day, mails beeping constantly and deadlines to be met. Many people are just too tired when the day is over to commit to extra healthy activities and yet we know that , unless the employee is committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, work stress can affect productivity and overall wellbeing. Stress in turn can lead to weight gain, leading to low energy levels and loss of appetite. Ultimately creating a vicious cycle if not tackled. People working at their desks are also vulnerable to neck strain and posture problems. Yoga as a wellbeing activity at the office can be really beneficial by improving productivity of the employees in addition to relieving muscle stiffness and improving  flexibility and posture. Regular practice of Yoga has been proven to not merely increase physical strength an