
Showing posts from October, 2018
Tips for Yoga Beginners Most often people look at long term practitioners get into pretzel shaped poses and decide yoga is not for me as I am not that flexible or bendy. Reading these basic yoga tips for beginners may ease your anxiety and intimidation of stepping into a new class. 1.      You don’t have to be an ace tennis player to learn the sport, likewise you don’t have to be a yogi/ yogini to begin the practice. Just begin at whatever level you are and a steady committed practice will take you a long way. 2.      Find a class that suits your needs. There are different types of yoga. Click here to find out which one is for you. 3.      Many studios offer different levels of classes and also open level classes. You can either look for beginner classes or open level classes. If you don’t find any beginner level classes in your area start with a gentle Yoga session. 4.      Find a good Yoga teacher in your area, you can always watch videos and practice at home,