
Showing posts from December, 2018

Tell Tale "Need" Yoga Signs After 45+

At coffee after one of our Chair yoga classes, one of our students said that 65 is the new middle age now. This is so true as people are living longer, in that case we ought to take responsibility to age gracefully without becoming infirm ( none of us would want that). I totally believe that we cannot stop the advancing age, but we can definitely change and influence how we age. Getting older doesn’t have to mean getting stiffer and less mobile. A regular Yoga practice can definitely make a positive difference to our health and wellbeing as we age. Do you recognise any of these signs.. •   You have developed  niggling aches and pains in your back/ knee / shoulders . When we develop these aches and pains we realise we aren’t 25 anymore and wonder    how are we going to ease these pains. Knowing all the side effects of medication we wouldn’t want to be dependent on them. This is where Yoga comes to the rescue. Different postures and practices like Pranayama he