
Showing posts from 2019

Yoga as a Natural anxiolytic and antidepressant

If you’re reading this post, it is highly likely that you’re struggling with anxiety or at least know someone who is . Poor Mental health affects more people every year than cancer or heart disease- every year  one in four people in the Uk are affected by a mental health problem. Living with mental health can affect many aspects of our daily life from physical and emotional health to relationships, work and finances. I have suffered from anxiety and depression for almost 3 decades which had gone unrecognised due to lack of awareness. It has manifested in many forms as migraine attacks, hypertension, insomnia, laziness and poor performance, procrastination, loss of clarity and overthinking. It was 4 years ago when i had a panic attack and had to be rushed to the hospital,  I started learning more about both anxiety and depression. I felt my heart in my mouth and that my blood vessels were going to burst. I have tried various medication, counselling or therapy to al