
Showing posts from 2017

Why Yoga ? Discover About its Multifold Benefits

Why Yoga?  Discover About its Multifold Benefits  Yoga has changed my life for the better in many ways. It has not just helped ease aches and pains but has also helped me heal emotionally and grow. I do not suffer from low mood or depression anymore. No more panic attacks or anxiety. I sleep better and Yoga has helped me maintain my weight loss. Yoga has not only given me strength, flexibility and balance on the mat but also off the mat. It has helped let go of many things that do not serve me any more. All of these inspired me to write this article about the healing qualities of  regular Yoga practice. It is definitely not a surprise that Yoga has now been inscribed as an element in the UNESCO’s list of intangible cultural heritage of humanity in 2016. With all the research and scientific studies going on, the medical science has come to realise that many diseases are of psychosomatic nature. Yoga not only has physical health benefits but it also has effects on the m

Different Styles of Yoga: A Beginner's Guide

You are thinking of joining a Yoga class or having finally decided to try one, you Google it only to find that you are totally confused with the search result. Which one to go for? Hatha? Or Ashtanga? What is Hot yoga? Vinyasa?? Naked Yoga ? Beer Yoga ??. Yes all these types do exist. When you are spoilt for choice it is difficult to decide. Just this confusion can scare off a newbie and put them off the mat forever. I am going to outline a few types of Yoga which might clear your confusion and help you decide. “Though not all classes are designed for all bodies, all bodies are absolutely designed for Yoga”. Hatha Yoga A branch of Yoga that uses physical exercises ( Asanas) along with pranayama ( breathing techniques) and meditation to connect the mind body and breath. This in turn helps you to connect with yourself for self transformation and growth. Ha-Meaning Sun/masculine aspects- active and hot. Tha-Meaning Moon/ feminine aspect- receptive and cool. Thus, H

What is Chair yoga ?

When I ask people to come to ‘ Chair Yoga’ people often think I mean using the chair as some kind of apparatus in the practice… I suppose they are kind of correct, as people do sit on the chair, or lean on it… No need to bring a chair either… we have plenty of chairs! Chair yoga is a creative way to make yoga accessible to individuals who would not normally be able to participate. For example, those who are suffering with disabilities, arthritis, recovering from surgery or illness, weight challenges. It is also an excellent way to exercise for senior’s in our communities, or busy people who can't find time for the gym, or indeed anyone who would find it  difficult to  get down on the floor or mat. Inspite of practising yoga seated on a chair or using a chair for support one can still reap all the benefits yoga has to offer. To name a few benefits, it improves circulation, strengthens muscles, increases flexibility, lubricates joints, improves range of motion and mobility,