
Showing posts from 2018

Tell Tale "Need" Yoga Signs After 45+

At coffee after one of our Chair yoga classes, one of our students said that 65 is the new middle age now. This is so true as people are living longer, in that case we ought to take responsibility to age gracefully without becoming infirm ( none of us would want that). I totally believe that we cannot stop the advancing age, but we can definitely change and influence how we age. Getting older doesn’t have to mean getting stiffer and less mobile. A regular Yoga practice can definitely make a positive difference to our health and wellbeing as we age. Do you recognise any of these signs.. •   You have developed  niggling aches and pains in your back/ knee / shoulders . When we develop these aches and pains we realise we aren’t 25 anymore and wonder    how are we going to ease these pains. Knowing all the side effects of medication we wouldn’t want to be dependent on them. This is where Yoga comes to the rescue. Different postures and practices like Pranayama he

An Insight Into Gentle Yoga

This is a form of Hatha Yoga offered in a supportive, compassionate, nurturing and a moderately slower pace to lead you to a relaxed state. Don’t be deluded by the word gentle, it is not easy peasy.   in spite of a gentle practice it does challenge you physically, helps stimulate the immune system and improve one’s overall wellbeing. Gentle Yoga serves a variety of distinct needs. It is ideal for beginners totally inclusive and accessible to all. However, even seasoned practitioners can benefit from this practice helping to refine their poses slowly and deliberately.   Others who would benefit significantly from this type of Yoga would be those who are recovering from a surgery or illness as it is slow paced and less demanding. It’s also a fabulously nurturing space for pregnant women who are unable to access pregnancy Yoga classes Those with limited mobility due to arthritis or profound stiffness will also benefit from this practice. It is best suited for all fitness levels
Tips for Yoga Beginners Most often people look at long term practitioners get into pretzel shaped poses and decide yoga is not for me as I am not that flexible or bendy. Reading these basic yoga tips for beginners may ease your anxiety and intimidation of stepping into a new class. 1.      You don’t have to be an ace tennis player to learn the sport, likewise you don’t have to be a yogi/ yogini to begin the practice. Just begin at whatever level you are and a steady committed practice will take you a long way. 2.      Find a class that suits your needs. There are different types of yoga. Click here to find out which one is for you. 3.      Many studios offer different levels of classes and also open level classes. You can either look for beginner classes or open level classes. If you don’t find any beginner level classes in your area start with a gentle Yoga session. 4.      Find a good Yoga teacher in your area, you can always watch videos and practice at home,


Working 5 days a week in the same place at the same desk for the corporate sector can be stressful. With meetings here and there, calls to handle every day, mails beeping constantly and deadlines to be met. Many people are just too tired when the day is over to commit to extra healthy activities and yet we know that , unless the employee is committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, work stress can affect productivity and overall wellbeing. Stress in turn can lead to weight gain, leading to low energy levels and loss of appetite. Ultimately creating a vicious cycle if not tackled. People working at their desks are also vulnerable to neck strain and posture problems. Yoga as a wellbeing activity at the office can be really beneficial by improving productivity of the employees in addition to relieving muscle stiffness and improving  flexibility and posture. Regular practice of Yoga has been proven to not merely increase physical strength an

Yoga beyond the physical benefits – A Spiritual Practice

I have been practising Yoga regularly for the last 6 years and have come to realise that if you step on the mat with an intention and sincerity and hold on to this intention outside of the yoga practice, life begins to unfold and open up on different spheres. For your practice to help you on your spiritual journey you need to be committed to the practice and become a regular practitioner and as I did that I have seen the changes it has brought about and progressed my spiritual journey. What is being spiritual? According to me being spiritual implies being in the present moment by letting go of the regrets from the past and to stop worrying/ being anxious about the future. To enjoy the present moment, being happy, joyous, peaceful, and becoming a kinder and more compassionate individual. Responding to situations rather than reacting. Observing repetitive situations and changing the way you go about things to bring a different result. This has been brought about by diff

545 Days Into My journey As A Yoga Teacher

In continuation with my previous blog. . After much research , I decided to take up a 200 hour Teacher Training Certificate course from Rishikesh Yog Peeth at Rishikesh, India. If you had asked me 5 years earlier did I see myself as a Yoga teacher I would have said you were crazy… but the interesting thing is the more I understood Yoga the greater the transformation in me… Now I can’t imagine a day without my Yoga practice as it has become part of my very being. So much so that my transition to Yoga teacher became complete… now I wish to share those experiences with others beginning their Yoga journey.. At this point in time I was not a great yogi myself (and still aren’t), nor can i get into all the difficult pretzel shaped contorted  poses. That’s one of the great lessons in Yoga… there are no comparisons, no one is ‘better’ than someone else… there is no measuring, badges or stickers… we all progress in the way that works for us and feels right. I have kept my