
Showing posts from June, 2018

My Yoga Journey: Dentist To A Yoga Teacher

I didn’t plan to be a yoga teacher in fact nothing was further from my mind. My career was already mapped out as a Dentist…. Back in India parents always want their children to take up a profession and mine was no exception. Having recently returned from passing my degree at Dharwad in 1997, I found myself back in Belgaum looking for work and a suitable life partner. Being interested in my own health and fitness I quickly enrolled into a health club but was looking for something else to complement that. Yoga was mentioned by my mother, as her friend was attending a class… and so my sister and I decided to go and check it out at 6:30 am in the morning! Although my initial intent was to supplement other activities Yoga ended up providing some unexpected additional benefits. Calming the mind for one… I am one of those people who is constantly thinking and chattering away to myself (monkey mind)... and consequently Yoga provided a peaceful oasis where I could settle and rela