My Yoga Journey: Dentist To A Yoga Teacher

I didn’t plan to be a yoga teacher in fact nothing was further from my mind. My career was already mapped out as a Dentist…. Back in India parents always want their children to take up a profession and mine was no exception.

Having recently returned from passing my degree at Dharwad in 1997, I found myself back in Belgaum looking for work and a suitable life partner. Being interested in my own health and fitness I quickly enrolled into a health club but was looking for something else to complement that. Yoga was mentioned by my mother, as her friend was attending a class… and so my sister and I decided to go and check it out at 6:30 am in the morning!

Although my initial intent was to supplement other activities Yoga ended up providing some unexpected additional benefits. Calming the mind for one… I am one of those people who is constantly thinking and chattering away to myself (monkey mind)... and consequently Yoga provided a peaceful oasis where I could settle and relax without all that noise in my brain.

Yoga continued to provide a space dedicated to my own self awareness for 4 years until I married and moved to Bangalore. I lost touch with Yoga at this time, with all the changes happening in my life although in hindsight this might have been the time that I needed it most.

This inconsistent pattern of my Yoga experience continued until 2012 after which recovering from an operation I was advised that a less strenuous form of exercise would be the best (or none… which wasn’t going to happen). Yoga then became a committed practice and part of my everyday life

 I think everyone’s journey with Yoga is different. Mine became a gradual spiritual connection with myself over time… kind of forced upon me by health issues… this enabled me to build up a strong relationship with Yoga that underpinned the changes that were coming next! ...little did I know what the universe had in store…

In 2014 my husband and I moved to the UK with his work. We were to be based near London in a place called Watford for a 3 year contract. Initially I considered using my dentistry knowledge but the expense of retraining and then getting into work would have consumed almost 3 years anyhow… It was a tough time… sitting around with nothing to do for 3 years for anyone who has led an active life was extremely hard… in the end I took on some voluntary work to get out of the house at least… Yoga began to feature again as an antidote to depression and anxiety that had been gathering pace during this time… it was at this time that I realised Yoga was my trusted friend that I could always rely on...

In July / August 2016 we learned the contract was to be extended to 5 years until August 2019… and this was the final nudge I needed to pursue Yoga more deeply and I began investigating where I could study to become a Yoga teacher myself.

The journey had begun…


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