
Showing posts from August, 2018

Yoga beyond the physical benefits – A Spiritual Practice

I have been practising Yoga regularly for the last 6 years and have come to realise that if you step on the mat with an intention and sincerity and hold on to this intention outside of the yoga practice, life begins to unfold and open up on different spheres. For your practice to help you on your spiritual journey you need to be committed to the practice and become a regular practitioner and as I did that I have seen the changes it has brought about and progressed my spiritual journey. What is being spiritual? According to me being spiritual implies being in the present moment by letting go of the regrets from the past and to stop worrying/ being anxious about the future. To enjoy the present moment, being happy, joyous, peaceful, and becoming a kinder and more compassionate individual. Responding to situations rather than reacting. Observing repetitive situations and changing the way you go about things to bring a different result. This has been brought about by diff